Thursday, October 4, 2012

Change the email across all Job alerts using script in SQL Server

As a DBA sometimes we get request for add/update/delete of DL’s – Distribution Lists (email groups) across all jobs on a SQL Server Instances. If the frequency of such request is very frequent then it’s better to write a script and run it on requests by simply modifying the email addresses.

Here is how we will do this:

We will take help of 2 tables  msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps and msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps

Query to retrive the list of jobs along with steps which satisfies the condition to search for an email (Simply update the “your-email-address-here” below and execute the query).

SELECT, js.step_name, js.command FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps js WITH(NOLOCK)
LEFT JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs j WITH(NOLOCK)
ON j.job_id = js.job_id  
WHERE js.command  like '%<your-email-address-here>%'

Update the old DL with new:

UPDATE msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps
SET command = REPLACE(command,'<search-email-group>','<new-email-group>')
WHERE command  like '%<your-search-term-here>%'
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Reset MySQL root password in Windows and UNIX

1.    Shutdown the MySQL Server –

a.    Use windows services to shut down: Start > run > services.msc  > MySQL > right click and select STOP 

b.    Using mysqladmin by running following command in command prompt:

mysqladmin -u root shutdown (make sure to provide the correct path for mysqladmin if it has not been added in windows path)

2.     Start the MySQL Server in safe mode (anonymous login):

         C:\>start mysqld-nt --skip-grant-tables (A black screen will flicker and here you go)

        In UNIX environment u has to use below command:

              mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables

3.    Now you open the command line and try to connect to the root user with empty password by running below command:

             C:\>Mysql -uroot

4.    when you logged in u will get a prompt as


5.    Now select the MySQL database:

             use mysql;

6.    Update the root password by running this command:

             mysql> update user set Password=PASSWORD('<new-password>') WHERE User='root';

7.    Shutdown the MySQL Server:  (it is very important to stop the server at this stage since it is running in anonymous mode):

              mysqladmin -u root shutdown

8.    Now start server again and can log in with new password.
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Simple script to find the free space in sql server db files (data, log) against all databases

Here is a simple SQL script to retrieve the free spaces on db files (data, log).

The below script will give you the File size, used space and free space of currently selected database only.

    , filename
    , convert(decimal(12,2),round(a.size/128.000,2)) as FileSizeMB
    , convert(decimal(12,2),round(fileproperty(,'SpaceUsed')/128.000,2)) as SpaceUsedMB
    , convert(decimal(12,2),round((a.size-fileproperty(,'SpaceUsed'))/128.000,2)) as FreeSpaceMB
    from dbo.sysfiles a


To retrieve the File size, used space and free space across all databases i have written a script using above query.

-- create a temporary table to insert the above mentioned output against each databases.

create table #db_files(
db_files varchar(300),
file_loc varchar(300),
filesizeMB decimal(9,2),
spaceUsedMB decimal(9,2),
FreespaceMB decimal(9,2))

declare @strSQL nvarchar(2000)
DECLARE @dbName varchar(MAX)

select name from sys.databases

OPEN @getDBname
FROM @getDBname INTO @dbName
PRINT @dbName

select @strSQL =
        use ' + @dbname + '
        INSERT INTO #db_files
    , filename
    , convert(decimal(12,2),round(a.size/128.000,2)) as FileSizeMB
    , convert(decimal(12,2),round(fileproperty(,''SpaceUsed'')/128.000,2)) as SpaceUsedMB
    , convert(decimal(12,2),round((a.size-fileproperty(,''SpaceUsed''))/128.000,2)) as FreeSpaceMB
    from dbo.sysfiles a
    exec sp_executesql @strSQL

FROM @getDBname INTO @dbName

CLOSE @getDBname

select * from #db_files
-- drop the temporary table
drop table #db_files


This script will be helpful for lot of SQL Server DBA's out there.. cheers..  

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Space Management Report - Get Drive Size and Drive Free Space :SQL Server

One of the regular DBA practice is to maintain the free space on Drives where the data files are located.

Here i have created a script (Space Management) which gives us the database files, its location,size, growth rate, the drive where its located, drive size, drive free space etc...

Most of the thing is very easy to retrieve through SQL Queries as those are maintained in tables under msdb databases, but the free space and size of drive is something which require system interaction using master..xp_cmdshell and that part of query is a bit complex :)

declare @Drive table(DriveName char,freespace decimal(9,2), totalspace decimal(9,2),percentfree decimal(9,2))



    DECLARE @v_cmd nvarchar(255)
    ,@v_drive char(99)
    ,@v_sql nvarchar(255)
    ,@i int

    SELECT @v_cmd = 'fsutil volume diskfree %d%'
    SET @i = 1

    -- Creating temporary tables to retrive system space information.
    CREATE TABLE #drives(iddrive smallint ,drive char(99))

    CREATE TABLE #temp1(drive char(99),shellCmd nvarchar(500));

    CREATE TABLE #results(drive char(99),freespace decimal(9,2), totalspace decimal(9,2));

    INSERT #drives (drive)

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'mountvol'

    DELETE #drives WHERE drive not like '%:\%' or drive is null

    WHILE (@i <= (SELECT count(drive) FROM #drives))


         UPDATE #drives
         SET iddrive=@i
         WHERE drive = (SELECT TOP 1 drive FROM #drives WHERE iddrive IS NULL)

         SELECT @v_sql = REPLACE(@v_cmd,'%d%',LTRIM(RTRIM(drive))) from #drives where iddrive=@i

         INSERT #temp1(shellCmd)
         EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @v_sql

         UPDATE #temp1
         SET =
         FROM #drives d
         WHERE IS NULL and iddrive=@i

        SET @i = @i + 1


        INSERT INTO #results
        ,char(13),SPACE(0)) AS NUMERIC(32,2))/1024/1024/1024 AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as freespace
        ,tt.titi as total
        FROM #temp1 bb
        JOIN (SELECT drive
        ,char(13),SPACE(0)) AS NUMERIC(32,2))/1024/1024/1024 AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as titi
        FROM #temp1
        WHERE drive IS NOT NULL
        AND shellCmd NOT LIKE '%free bytes%') tt
        ON =
        AND bb.shellCmd NOT LIKE '%avail free bytes%'
        AND bb.shellCmd LIKE '%free bytes%';

    -- getting all system specific formatted data into @Drive table
    INSERT INTO @Drive
    SELECT LEFT(RTRIM(LTRIM(drive)),1) as drive
     ,CAST((freespace/totalspace * 100) AS DECIMAL(5,2)) as [percent free]
    FROM #results
    ORDER BY drive

    -- Dropping temporary tables
    DROP TABLE #drives
    DROP TABLE #temp1
    DROP TABLE #results

         @@Servername as Server, as Database_name, as File_Name,
        mas.size * 8 / 1024 File_Size_MB,
        CASE [is_percent_growth]  
               WHEN 1 THEN CAST(mas.growth AS varchar(20)) + '%' 
                ELSE CAST(mas.growth*8/1024 AS varchar(20)) + ' MB' 
        END as Growth_rate,     
        drv.DriveName as Drive_Name,
        CASE type
               WHEN 0 THEN 'Data'  
               WHEN 1 THEN 'Log' 
        END as File_type, 
        mas.physical_name as File_Location
    FROM sys.master_files mas
    LEFT JOIN @Drive drv ON LEFT(mas.physical_name, 1) = drv.DriveName
    LEFT JOIN sys.databases sd ON mas.database_id = sd.database_id
    --WHERE IN ('db1','db2','db3') -- Specify the database name if this report is needed for specific databases
    --AND mas.growth <>0 -- Condition to retrive the record for growing files only.


  • You can restrict the output for some of the databases by providing the database name which is commented by default.

             --WHERE IN ('db1','db2','db3')  

  •  You can also restrict the output for growing files of the databases only by providing the growth <>0 which is commented by default.
             --AND mas.growth <>0

There are further filters also possible like if someone want to restrict the query upto a size limit of files etc. simply write it down in where clause.


Output should be like this:

This could be very useful where someone have multiple servers and DBA has to generate weekly/Monthly report for all of the server, in such scenario one can create a SSIS package and execute this query on all the server and generate a single report for all the servers.

Hope this will be helpful for people out there :) let me know if anyone has any issue.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Script all the jobs in SQL Server

This is very interesting fact that people always look for shortcuts especially while accomplishing the big tasks.

Here i have came up with a scenario: I have got a task to setup a new server B (lets assume) exactly as a replica of Existing Server A.

It involve a lot of steps in which there is a step to copy all the EXISTING JOBS FROM SERVER A to SERVER B (Please note i have written All the Jobs).

 Here is a easiest way i have found which might be helpful for many people.

Step1: Enable Object explorer detail.

In SQL Server 2005 or earlier:  goto view->Summary
In SQL Server 2008 or older:  goto view-> Object Explorer Details

Expand SQL Server Agent and click on Jobs.

All the jobs will be visible in summary/Object Explorer Detail window. (See Screenshot).


Here you can select all the jobs or the desired jobs which you want to script out.

After select right click -> Script Job As -> Create To -> and select the desired location where you want to script all the selected jobs (In the screenshot i have selected New Query Editor Window).

Note: The above screenshots/Examples are of SQL Server 2008R2 you can follow the same steps with SQL Server 2005 or earlier versions.

I hope this will be helpful for may people out there :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Database is in Transition. try the statement later: SQL Server


I was trying to take the database offline to perform some maintenance on one of our QA server.

We have got a strange error "Database is in Transition. try the statement later Error 952"

Even i was not able to run the sp_who and sp_who2 also as it was also giving the same error.

Resolution:  What i have tried?

I closed the SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) and restarted it again.

Then to confirm and check for any blocking query, i ran sp_who and sp_who2 and it ran successfully.

 Then to make Database offline/online i have used the below command and it worked like a charm :)

USE master



Its a strange error with SQL-2005 Management Studio or we can say a bug.

This small issue can cause a big headache for someone.. hope this will helpful. :)

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